• PRB
  • 2022-08-05 19:50


I am immensely delighted to join you on this wonderful occasion – the 13th edition of Bhavan Vidyalaya Model United Nations 2022 .

It is heartening to see this gathering of young talented minds that have come together to deliberate on real world issues that plague the world today, and more importantly, work towards taking action. I was particularly pleased with the theme of this Conference – “From Deliberation to Action”.

Indeed, we have been discussing world problems for many years now, and it is imminent that we take immediate action . It is only when we resolve to act in a purposeful and goal-oriented manner that we begin to be part of a supreme social consciousness, a higher ideal, becoming world citizens in the real sense.

My young friends,

The world is increasingly facing challenges and risks that are presented by various destructive forces which threaten to overpower humanity and annihilate our future. In such a scenario, it is incumbent upon us to cognize our responsibilities and work with courage and wisdom. You, the youth of this nation possess massive power as architects of change and inventors of ingenious ideas. We all are witness to the dangers of war, and the reality of climate change. Fascism, socioeconomic polarisation, intolerance and our damaging ways have wrecked too much havoc. There is an urgent need to bring change and to take action.

I must commend the Students and the Organising Committee for the agendas they have set out for today’s discussion. These are pertinent and pressing questions that need deeper thought and dialogue .

Young people like you are not only victims of these problems. You are also valuable contributors to action. You are agents of change, entrepreneurs and innovators. Whether through education, engagement, science or technology, youth around the world are scaling up their efforts and using their skills to accelerate action in the right direction.

Now, as pan India we are celebrating 75 years of Independence, Azadi Ka Amrit Maha Ustav, the role of you who are students now, becomes all the more important. 25 years from now when the Nation will be holding the Centenary Celebrations of Independence, you will be at the helm of affairs as doctors, engineers, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs, statesmen, the policing makers & the justice providers.

The tone you set today, the vision you form today, the roadmap you sketch today, the targets you set today, the dreams that you see today, the efforts the you put in today, all are going to substantially affect the future of your Nation.

You are not just sons and daughters of your parents, you are sons and daughters of India; you are our country’s human resource !

We have a rich demographic dividend which we must leverage to our advantage – more than 65% of India’s population is under 35 years of age. Harnessed to their full potential, the talent and creative energies of our young minds will power India into the league of the strongest nations on world state.

There is saying that The Battle of Waterloo was won in the playing fields of Eton ”. India’s tomorrows are shaped in the crucibles of great schools, in their classrooms, games fields as well as co-curricular activities.

So, if India is to be a great nation, it must begin in her classrooms . School education prepares students for college, as well as for a lifetime of learning and active, responsible participation in the fast changing world.

I urge the students in the audience to stride onto paths of life with a positive attitude and strong spirit. Besides training and education, what will keep you in good stead is strength of character, mind and purpose . I would like you to remember that knowledge should be always used in the service of the people and society.

By putting the responsibility of future of nation on the shoulders of young students does not rid the elders & the teachers of their responsibility.

The talent and energy in youth is like a river gushing forth with force and fury. If left unchannelised the waters get spread out over large areas with no useful result. Channelising the energies and purposefully using their talent is like constructing a set of canals which lead water for irrigating the locations where the cultivated areas lie.

And this is what we are do. This is where the role of parents & teachers come in. I will share with you an anecdote of the life of the 11 th President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam.

Once in his school years his teacher Siva Subramania Iyer taught the students about ‘How birds fly” by sketches and explanations in the classroom. The students told the teacher that they did not understand the concept. The teacher then took the students to the Rameswaram seashore where dozens of seabirds were flying and said, ‘See how the birds flap their wings and change direction using their wings and tail. The locomotive force of the bird’s flight is its life energy’. The teacher thus taught his students that the fundamentals of aircraft design are based on the flight of birds.

It was the understanding of science and satisfaction of the intellectual curiosity that the teacher successfully imparted, that enabled the blossoming of the genius that was latent in the young Abdul Kalam .

I am extremely happy that Bhavan’s has taken the initiative of organsing this event which I hope will provide you all a perfect platform for self expression, through mindful exchange and harmonious agreement .

As you step into the role of international decision-makers, and practice respectful negotiation and debating, remember that you are preparing yourself for the imminent real world . This exercise in conflict resolution and cooperation should leave you with greater mindfulness and a sense of social responsibility.

You should be able to capitalise on your powers of self-expression, and nurture and mould it into a collective action. Also meeting like minded individuals sans divisions of borders and differences will bring to you so many different perspectives, so many points of view, that you may not have envisioned before. So, harness that energy and make this conference count!

Before I conclude, young friends I would like to say that commit to making social responsibility a life long process. Always remember Mahatma Gandhiji’s words. ‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow but learn as if you were to live forever’ .

Let knowledge guide you from the head and wisdom guide you from the heart .

In each one of you, I see that promise of a better tomorrow, the building blocks of a perfect world.

Thank you,

Jai Hind.