· I am very happy to learn that almost every year Kerala Samajam, Chandigarh is celebrating Onam Festival in Chandigarh in a big way.

  • I thank the organisers for inviting me to be part of this celebration.

· Generally, the 10 days of festivities is limited mainly to Kerala and some other parts of South India. But Malayalees spread across the globe, wherever they are, always make it a point to celebrate Onam in a big way.

  • Such is the nostalgia each and every Malayali possess about Onam!

· I understand that there is saying in Malayalam, "Kanam Vittum Onam Unnanam" which means, "We should have the Onam Feast even if we have to sell all our properties". This gives a testimony of how strong is the spirit of Onam for all Malayalees.

· India is a diverse country with different languages, different cultures, different climate zones, different food habits, different geography, different religions, different beliefs, different festivals and still we are a strong country making it a perfect example of Unity in diversity.

· Similarly, Chandigarh my friends offers a vibrant, cosmopolitan culture where everyday people from diverse walks of life engage and mingle with each other.

  • Chandigarh is indeed a mini India where people from different states live in harmony. All the communities have contributed immensely to the progress of this City beautiful including the Malayalees.

· In India every festival has a mythological connection. Onam as per my knowledge is celebrated as the grand home coming of the legendary Mahabali who once believed to have ruled Kerala.

· Under his reign each and every subject was treated with equality and there was no discrimination in the name of caste, community, social status or on any other basis.

· There was prosperity everywhere and people lived in perfect harmony.

  • Onam is the remembrance of this good old Golden Era of Mahabali.

· Ashtama Skanda of Srimad Bhagavatham mentions tale of Mahabali.

· He was the great-great grandson of Rishi Kashyapa, and grandson of Bhakt Prahlada who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

· Inheriting all the good qualities from his grand father, Prahlada, Bali was also a great devotee of Lord Vishnu.

· With all his wisdom Bali conquered the whole world and his Praja was extremely happy. The reign of Bali was considered to be a golden era.

· Lord Vishnu, disguised in the form a brahmin dwarf ‘Vamana’ sought “three places of land” from Bali which he promised to provide.

· The ‘Vamana’, grew to an enormous size and covered the whole earth with one pace . Guru Sukracharya intervened, cautioned Bali to stop him and back-track from the boon granted else he would lose everything. But Bali was too committed to his words and the dwarf with the second pace covered rest of everything Bali owned. When there was nothing left for the third pace, Bali offered his head for Vishnu to step on. That’s how King Bali became Mahabali for his great sacrifice.

· In my opinion, the lesson all of us should learn from this legend is all about Good Governance. There are mainly two points. Governance is of no use unless the subjects are happy. Under Mahabali’s rule Equal opportunities were given to every citizen. There was no unemployment, no poverty and everyone behaved with extreme responsibility. There was Progress and prosperity everywhere.

· It may appear that satisfying entire population is impossible under any rule, but what Mahabali achieved and practiced throughout his regime was exactly the same.

· It clearly emphasizes that the essence of any Governance is the welfare of its subjects. Onam is celebrated primarily because of the remembrance of the good governance of Mahabali .

· It reminds us all, who are active in public life, be it in the various Governments or in the public or other sectors of the need for a greater sense of responsibility on our part to devise and put into practice, inclusive measures to uplift the downtrodden and thereby create a world of equality and social justice.

· Mahabali’s kingdom, therefore, is not just a fable in our legends, but a noble dream to be achieved.

· Secondly, it also teaches us how the ruler should act to his commitments. Bali was fully aware that he was going to be robbed off everything he possessed. He got enough warning from his Acharya too. But he had already given a commitment. Once a commitment is made, it has to be honoured.

· As goes the saying “Praan Jaye Per Vachan Na Jaye”.

· Honouring the commitments made is very important for the rulers. The credibility of rulers depends upon their ability to honour their own commitments.

· A good ruler always sticks to his commitment. Mahabali valued his word more than his life.

· So, Onam is not just the celebration of a glorious past. This celebration also kindles in our minds, great hopes about a just and truly egalitarian social order in future.

· The uniqueness of this festival is the noble message of human equality and prosperity it conveys and highlights powerfully the importance of charity – Daanam - that is, a willingness to share our blessings with others.

· This Onam, while we celebrate material prosperity, let us also remind ourselves of the values of honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, selflessness and sacrifice which the great Mahabali espoused.

· I understand that there is no Bhawan for Malayalees in Chandigarh though Kerala Samajam is in existence in the city for 48 years.

· I am not Mahabali and will not be able to commit of allotting land to you straight away because there is a stay by the Supreme Court for allotting land to societies in Chandigarh.

· But I assure you that as soon the stay is vacated, I shall try by best so that you get a piece of land for your own Bhawan.

· Before I conclude, I wish to say that seeing the Malayalees at home in the City Beautiful reinforces faith in the country’s diversity, ability for tolerance and pluralism . After all, love of one’s own place and culture does not prevent one from appreciating those of others.

  • So, it’s time to salute to our Country’s multi-culturalism . It gives me immense pleasure to be with you on the occasion of Onam Celebrations.

· I extend my warm greetings, felicitations and best wishes to all of you who are assembled here.

  • May this joyous festival usher in a new era of peace, prosperity and happiness in our Country and our City.

· Once again I wish you all the best in all your endeavours.

Thank you,

Jai Hind.